Create tokens

By default Notardec artifacts are documents, and documents don’t come with a quantity. In exceptional cases you might need the possibility to mint units. For example in order to grant access rights through Proof-of-key. Only the issuer of a document can create/mint units.

POST /tokens/createTokens

  "address": "string",
  "documentId": "string",
  "sparksNumber": "number",
  • address: The address of the wallet that the document belongs to.
  • documentId: The document on which tokens are created.
  • sparksNumber: The amount of balance in sparks. The concept of sparks is explained here. In the case of Notardec it’s simply an amount of tokens. No fractions possible.
    "@odata.context": "string",
    "Id": "string",
    "State": "Received",
    "BlockchainTransactionId": "string",
    "CorrelationId": "string",
    "Type": "string",
    "OnCreated": "string",
    "OnUpdated": "string",
    "OnSubmitted": "string",
    "OnCommitted": "string",
    "OnConfirmed": "string",
    "OnRevokedByBlockchain": "string",
    "OnRevokedByUser": "string",
    "OnRevokedByTxServer": "string",
    "SignedBy": "string",
    "CreatedBy": "string",
    "DataAsJson": "string",
    "SigningParametersAsJson": "string"