Wallet operations

Listing wallets

To see which wallets are available to create new assets with:

GET /wallets/

  "value": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "ethereumAddress": "string"

This returns an array of all the wallets that have been connected with the user.

Initializing wallet connection

Linking addresses to an user must first be manually initialized on the TEOS API. A simple POST /wallets/ starts the initalization process which returns the following output:

"value": {
  "id": "string",
  "token": "string",
  "technology": "string",
  "expiration": "string",
  "serializedValue": "string",
  "userId": "string"

To find out how to send this data, please send a mail to CoreLedger for more info.

Removing wallets

Removing wallets is simple and can be done at any time. If a wallet has to be transferred to a different user, the wallet first has to be removed by using the DELETE /wallets/{walletId} endpoint